Res Publica 2230AD


Thematically revised new edition of Res Publica, previously published at Hexagames and Queen Games. Races migrate through space on the search for new settlements. In three phases you play Trade, Display and Draw. The active player can make a trade offer, all players can answer. You try to acquire five cards of one race to build a space station - which lets you draw more cards. Or you collect five identical technology cards to build a city for victory points. In a version, each player owns a planet made up from four missions; each completed mission gives you victory points. If you complete all missions, the game ends.


Trade and negotiation game for 3-5 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Mage Company / Chaos Publishing 2015

Designer: Reiner Knizia

Art: Michael Andresakis, Michael Penn


Stock #: 329227


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes