

Agriculture in the highlands of South America; you set up fields for rich crops to earn llama cards for victory points and positioning of llamas; neighboring villages provide helpers and you also meet order cards. Landscape tiles form your personal acres, next to them you place your collection of commodities, coins and cards. In your turn you first place a landscape tile, can place or relocate a marker on order cards and can then feed a llama. Landscapes can also be built on top of each other, you earn rewards for covering symbols when doing so. At the end of the game you score llama cards, commodities and coins in your collection as well as markers on order cards, if you meet the card conditions. Includes several variants and there are rules for a solo mode.


Area and resources management for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Lookout Spiele 2021

Designer: Phil Walker-Harding

Editing: Ralph Bienert, Hanno Girke

Art: atelier198

Web: www.lookout-spiele.de

Stock #: LOOD0027


Users: For families

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: no