Die Minen von Zavandor

The Mines of Zavandor


Players use their mine shaft in four phases: 1) Income from jewel cards based on clan and expansions. 2) Trade / swap jewels with bank or fellow players. 3) Auction, you bid for all cards on display. The highest bid in a gem colour wins the corresponding cards. The winner of the sapphire bid moves the king stone on the Royal Path. 4) Upgrade of expansions, family clan and Pack Dragon. If the king reaches the Coronation Hall, you exchange Jewel cards for victory points and then add victory points from markers and completely upgraded objects. The player with the highest total wins.


A game of auction and trade for 2-4 players, ages 10 and up * Designer: Alexander Pfister * Art: Klemens Franz * 03061 9, Lookout, Germany, 2010 *** Lookout Games * www.lookout-games.de