Played for you


Loony Quest

Versunkene Stadt


The Arkadia tournament is over, but the King’s evil brother is holding five heroes in captivity. The journey to free them takes you to the legendary sunken city of Spektra, home of an old and powerful Loony tribe.

Five new worlds with a total of 32 levels must be explored – Pirate World, Nautilides World, Deep Sea World, Spectral World and Vortex World. You play as in the core game: You draw what is demanded in the target overview on your „screen“. For valid drawings - elements must never touch, cross or branch off, the maximum number must be correct and all ways used to draw must be allowed - you score experience points and also bonus and penalty tiles.

There are new game features: Hidden passages can be used in crossing and connecting missions, they are hidden behind doors, shafts, portals or stairwells; when a drawn line ends on such a passage you can continue the line from any other passage. The Pyramid Ship is a 3D construction and used for an obstacle in all levels of World 11. The pyramid is placed on the level board and nobody may touch or move the pyramid until the level is completed. You are, however, allowed to move around the table to obtain a better view of the board.

Scouts as a bonus allows you – at the start of a mission – to put your screen on the level board and make one mark. Cursed for a penalty is discarded and you draw two new penalty tiles. There are also two new bonus levels that are played like those in the basic game.

Fascinating, marvelously and beautifully designed and even more challenging than the core game, you are happy about every well-drawn line!


Players: 2-5

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Laurent Escoffier, David Franck

Artist: Paul Mafayon, Matthieu Leyssenne

Price: ca. 15 Euro

Publisher: Libellud / Asmodee 2016


Genre: Drawing, memory

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: cn de en es fr it jp pl

In-game text: no



Needs core game to play

Again marvelous design

New features, rules from the core game apply


Compares to:

Loony Quest


Other editions:

Libellud (fr, multi)


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 1

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 3

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 2

Action (dark green): 2