Le Monde est fou!


One player is the psychiatrist and tries to find out the quirk shared by the other players, the patients. He asks questions and tries to find patterns in the answers. If he has asked a question of each player, he can give a guess. If he guesses wrongly or wants to continue to ask, the timer is started. If the psychiatrist guesses the quirk, before the timer runs out, he draws a points card to score. The patients vote on who of them presented the quirk best, this player also draws a points card. Whoever got most votes, is the next psychiatrist.


Communication game for 4-12 players, ages12+


Publisher: Le Scorpion Masqué 2014

Designer: Chris James

Art: Paul Drouin

Web: www.scorpionmasque.com

Stock #: 00033 4


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: fr * Rules: en fr * In-game text: yes