

Alter                    10



Mieses Karma

From ANt to HUmaN Being


You start life as an ant that with lots of bad karma and must collect good karma to be reborn as other animals and finally as a human again. 29 Wiedergeburtskarten (Reborn Cards) feature 5 starting ants, 4 stacks of beings with different karma values and 5 human cards. 60 Lebenskarten (Life Cards) feature two symbols and buddhas on some of them. At the start your Buddha sits on stage 0 of your Karma tableau and you hold two life cards and an ant card as first card in your Life Line. In your turn you must place on card from your hand at the end of your life line – adjacent symbols must be the same - or discard a card. Then you can use the ability of your animal and can ask fellow players for a card. If nobody offers you a card you can discard all your cards and draw new ones. If you are offered more than one card you choose which to take. Whoever gives you a card scores 1 Karma point. If then you have no cards left on hand or have a scythe symbol in your life line you die: Your life line is scored, you advance your buddha 1 stage for each buddha in your life line. If you have groups of 4 symbols in your life line you place one card onto the scoring spot on your tableau: Then you are reborn and take a Reborn Card from the stack corresponding to your Karma status. When the first human dies you win with most victory points from karma and life cards.

Mieses Karma basically is a simple card placement game forming rows of symbols that is modified by additional rules on the reborn cards. The topic is unusual and the game very much governed by chance, you can get easily stuck in low Karma levels.


Players         : 3-5

Age             : 10+

Duration       : 30+

Designer      : Matthias Cramer

Artist           : Ulf K., Katja Witt

Price            : ca. 20 Euro

Publisher      : Kosmos 2011

Web             :

Genre          : Card placement game

Users           : For Families

Version        : de

Rules           : de

In-game text : yes

Comments    : Game based on the book of the same title * idiosyncratic topic * gameplay very dependent on chance

Compares to : Other card placement games based on corresponding symbols

Other editions: Currently none


Chance                3

Tactic                   1

Strategy__          0

Creativity            0

Knowledge          0

Memory               0

Communication   0

Interaction          1

Dexterity             0

Action                  0