Gregs Tagebuch Eiermatsch


The starting player draws the top card from the stack of 50 topic cards and reads out the topic. Then he switches on the Rupert Egg, names a term corresponding to the current topic and hands the Rupert Egg quickly on to another player. This player in turn names another term and hands the egg on, and so on. If you hold the egg when it makes a “Krack” sound, you take the topic card and are the next starting player. If you name a word for the second time in a turn, you must keep the egg until you name a correct term or the egg goes “Krack”. If you collect the third card, you quit the game; whoever is last in play wins.


Vocabulary and association game for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2012

Designer: Jeff Kinney

Art: Kinney Jeff, Suzuki Mirko, Pohl & Rick


Stock #: 691905


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes