


Are garden is about to be planted and each gardener wants to see most of the flowers in his favorite color. Garden tiles show flowers in four colors in their four corners, and also water and paths. You place tiles adjacent border to border with continuation of paths and water. Each player chooses his color and takes two markers, eight flower bed tiles and one special garden tiles with flowers in his color only.

Players put one marker on the corresponding color marking on the starting tile, all garden tiles are stacked face down. In your turn you place a newly drawn tile or your own tile into the garden and must then, if your second marker is not yet in the garden, put this marker on the new tile. With both markers in the garden, you move one of them to the new tile. Other markers are obstacles that you cannot cross. If you cannot place a tile or do not want to do so you put the tile back and remove a marker from the garden. Finally, you can move the second marker in the garden and then completed beds are scored. For a majority you place one of your flower bed tiles on the beds. At the end of the round, in which someone places his last tile or in which there are only four tiles left in stock, you win with most beds.

You can also play Gardens in a team version with 2 versus 2 players, using adapted rules, and those rules are also used in a game for two players.

Beautiful, easy, a placement game that is fun and plays well, needing a bit of luck when drawing tiles and a suitable amount of tactic, all in all a felicitous games for all fans of tile placement game for all kinds of gaming experience, from families upwards.


Players: 2-4

Age: 8+

Time: 45+

Designer: Perepau Llistosella

Artist: Christian Fiore, Marc Margielsky

Price: ca. 23 Euro

Publisher: Kosmos 2014


Genre: Tile placement, majorities

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: de es pt

In-game text: no



Beautiful design and components

Basically an abstract game, but the topic fits the mechanisms

Simple, easy rules


Compares to:

Garden Dice, Sanssouci and other games on laying out gardens


Other editions:



Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0