Die Siedler von Catan Das Würfelspiel


One settles Catan by building roads, settlements and cities by rolling for resources. You hold a sheet showing the island. Resources dice may be rolled up to three times; dice can be set aside and re-rolled later. Units built are marked on the sheet and the score is noted. If a player cannot build, he scores -2 for this round. Settlements and cities can only be built next to roads already built and in sequence of their value, a knight is a joker for one resource. 2 gold can replace a resource. After 15 rounds the player with the highest score wins. Includes the "Plus" variant - you win if you are first to acquire 10 victory points.


Dice game for 1-4 players, ages 7+


Publisher: Kosmos 2014

Designer: Klaus Teuber

Artist: Michael Menzel, Michaela Kienle / Fine Tuning

Web: www.kosmos.de

Stock#: 699093


Users: For families

Age: 7

Special: 1 player


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no