Die kleine Hexe


The little witch must perform good deeds for one year to be allowed to dance with the witches. One player flies the witch, his left neighbour is Abraxas and decides which good deed the with must perform. The witch player must decide on a card, where he thiks the deed is pictured, and thus on a chip, which he must know reach with the witch. If the witch tumbles or a church roof falls, Rumpumpel takes one step. If the witch reaches the chip, the player may turn over the card with the corresponding chip. If the pictures are identical, the player receives a blue chip, the second one is placed on the motive on the picture table, this good deed is done. If the pictures do not correspond, the card is turned back and Rumpumpel moves one step. When all good deeds are done or RUmpumpel reaches the last calendar spot, the player with the majority of blue chips wins, because he has supported the witch most.


Dexterity game based on the book by Otfried Preußler * 2-4 players from age 5 * Designer: Kai Haferkamp * Illustration: Winnie Gebhart-Gayler * 69 81 02, Kosmos, Germany, 2007 *** Kosmos Verlag *  www.kosmos.de