Der Räuber Hotzenplotz


The face down forest chips in the box leave one spot free, this is the Hotzenplotz Forest. Hotzenplotz pulls the gold chest with sand chips, three of those chips are laid out as a track Hotzenplotz is leaving behind him. Kasperl and Seppl use those chips to pursue him. You turn up the first chip and try to find the same image under the forest chips. If you manage to do so you keep the chip and move Kasperl and Seppl forward to the next chip. If not, you roll the die – for red Hotzenplotz runs further away and loses one more sand chip, if you roll yellow nothing changes and the next player can try to find the image. If Kasperl and Seppl reach Hotzenplotz before all sand chips have fallen off the chest the winner is the player with most sand chips. If the last chip falls players have one more round to catch Hotzenplotz. If not, he is the winner and hides in his forest.


Version                           : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : no


Dice and memo game * 2-4 players, ages 4+ * Designer: Kai Haferkamp * Art: Summerer/Thielke * 710743, Kosmos, Germany, 2011 *** Kosmos Verlag *