Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss Ausflug ins Abenteuer


Drache Kokosnuss and his friends race each other to the holiday camp on the jungle island, the winner is who arrives there first. You choose a character and a starting position and must stay on the chosen path during the game. You roll a die: For Green Feet you advance your character accordingly, for a Red Foot you move one step backwards and for the Arrow Symbol you place the die on one of six feet spots at the side of the board. You turn the spinner and move the indicated character according to the spot where you placed the die. When a move ends on a path case with feet, you move it again accordingly.

New edition with a new topic, 1st edition 2014


Roll & move game for 2-4 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Kosmos 2019

Designer: Manfred Ludwig

Art: Fiore GmbH


Art.Nr.: 697938 


Users: For children


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: no