Blöder Sack


Five Bag cards are on display. Each player has 10 dice of his color, rolls two of them for his turn and places them on the cards on display, you can also oust dice already present. If you roll a double or when a card is complete, you score: Whoever meets the parameters of the card best, receives the card; in case of a tie the card goes to whoever placed his last die on the card later. Then you take back your dice and fill the display with a new card. When someone has collected four Bag cards, you complete the round and then score Bag cards for which at least one die was placed, and then you win with most Bag symbols on the cards you collected.


Dice placement game for 2-4 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Kosmos 2014

Designer: Ralf zur Linde

Art: Martin Hoffmann, Claus Stephan


Stock #: 691981


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes