Abenteuer Catan Candamir


Development game related to the novel „Die Siedler von Catan“, players are the first settlers on an island, without any gear or stores. In his move a player can explore parts of the island, he turns over tiles, determines his goal and moves according to upturned movement cards. These cards allow one pace per card and can also provide resources or adventures. Resolved adventures result in goods or raw materials, failed adventures result in loss of health, the goal tiles donate raw materials or natural produces. These can be used in the village for production of goods wanted by Candamir, Brigitta or Osmund and thus placement of victory cubes. The player first to place all his victory cubes wins the game.


A development game in the world of Catan * Game Family: Catan * 2-4 players from age 12 * Author: Klaus Teuber * 69 06 18, Kosmos, Germany, 2004 *** Kosmos Verlag * info@kosmos.de * www.kosmos.de