Bucket King 3D


Cards represent animals that overthrow buckets of their color. At the start each player sets up his pyramid after assessing his hand of cards. One player starts with a number of cards for one animal, the next players in turn must egalize or top the value or lose a bucket of this color from the pyramid. If this bucket supports other buckets, those buckets also fall. When one or two pyramids of players are completely gone you win if you have most buckets left in your pyramid.

New edition of Alles im Eimer.


Card game for 2-6 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Jolly Thinkers 2014

Designer: Stefan Dorra

Artist: Ari Wong

Web: www.jollythinkers.com, www.heidelbaer.de

Stock#: 068022


Users: For families

Age: 8


Version: multi * Rules: cn de en * In-game text: no