

Alter                    8



String Railway

String track across the string river


A railway game using strings, tracks, board, mountain ranges and river are represented by strings, each player is the owner of a railway company.

You place stations into the playing ara and connect them with the string tracks to form the best possible net. Each player has five strings in his color, 4 of them are short ones of about 30 cm, the fifth is a long one with 60 cm. A long black string is used to mark the playing area, featuring white markers for 2-4 players and red ones for 5 players. The gray string circle represents the mountains, the light blue one the river. The markers on the area string should be in the corners of the playing area.

In your turn you draw a station, place stations and one of the five track strings and then score. Stations must be placed within the playing area, must not touch other station and must not be positioned on or under strings. A track string must be placed within the playing area, it may not cross itself and both ends must touch your own stations or your own track. The track string must not be underneath stations, other track string or the strings for playing area, river or mountain. One string may not use the same station twice. You score for newly placed stations and lose 1 point per crossing of strings. Strings on stations can be crossed without penalty. Then stations placed by the active player but belonging to other players are taken into account. Touching junctions scores 1 point for each junction-

String Railways is a simple game but by no means an easy game, definitely a collector’s item for fans of railway games.


Spieler         : 2-5

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Hisashi Hayashi

Grafik          : ryo-nyam

Titel englisch          : String Railway

Preis            : ca. 18,00 Euro

Verlag          : Okazu Brand / Japon Brand 2010



Genre                    : Placement game

Zielgruppe             : For families

Mechanismen         : Place strings for tracks



Standard topic

Unusual implementation

Rules in Japanese and English

Not easy to acquire

More of a collector’s item



All railway games, the first game with this interpretation of the topic


Zufall                            1

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   3

Geschicklichkeit  2
