

A village subsists on its sheep; you want to increase your number of sheep or , as the Wolf, steal as many as possible. You hold a set of sequence cards and a set of villager cards. A round comprises 1) Waiting line – you set down a sequence and a villager, then sequence cards are sequenced and villagers placed below them; 2) Target selection – the wolf card is put on the rightmost villager card, this player is wolf of the round and uses the wolf effect. 3) Breeding – the wolf attacks one villager who remains secret; the effect of revealed villagers and the wolf is implemented: 4) Rank check – villager positions are checked for correct social rank, effects might be annulled; 5) Work – non-annulled text effects are implemented, you lose or gain sheep or turn them over to the gold side; 6) End of round – you draw cards. After six rounds you score sheep and gold.

The introductory game uses only villagers with uneven numbers and lasts three rounds.

1-3 players use Automa sequence cards, and , with three players, an Automa for 4th player.


Card game with role and action selection for 1-5 players, ages 6+


Publisher: ORUCAgames / Japon Brand 2019

Designer: Nakiku Sotogamo

Art: Nakiku Sotogamo, Shounen (Aoiya), Koonitabirako


Stock #: -


Users: With friends


Version: de en fr  * Rules: de en fr jp * In-game text: yes