R vs. R : R

Regality vs Religion : Revolution


Regality vs. Religion: Revolution – true to this motto each player wants to grab power in the realm. On a territory of 9 places players alternately place characters. When 5 or more places are taken by one party, this party wins the game. Persons do have abilities to control opponents or change their allegiance to their own side. They can also eliminate opponents by using intrigue or magical powers. Neutral persons have very special and very powerful abilities and can be used by both parties. The persons for each party are identical, the time of their placement is the deciding factor.


A game of placement for 2 players, ages 10 and up * Designers: Seiji Kanai, Hayato Kisaragi * Illustration: Keita Kamiyama, Noboru Sugiura * One Draw, Japan, 2010 *** One Draw Ltd * www.one-draw.jp