With friends


Greedy Kingdoms





Friends         ein    




Spezial         2       


Players reign in their kingdoms and rival for resources – honour, gold, food and land. If you have collected enough resources, you build a Royal Palace for the sake of honour. The first player who builds his second Royal Palace wins the game.

Cards are laid out as stated in the rules, 3 palace cards and 4 upgrade cards, each player holds 8 Ordinary Workers and both choose one marker from gold, food or land in the order defender-attacker-defender.

Players are attackers alternately. A move comprises the phases start, development, battle, development and end of turn. The attacker begins his move with the effects of his upgrades, then – if necessary – he replenishes the Upgrade Area and chooses one resource. Then he can choose an upgrade and pay for it with resources or promote an Ordinary Worker to Special Worker by exchanging the cards and discarding the appropriate resources.

The Battle Phase is played by both players simultaneously, both choose three Ordinary workers, the attacker compares the numbers on the cards: Each of his card numbers that also exists on a card played by the defender has failed. These cards must be paid for. All other cards have attacked successfully, he pays the cost and receives income from these card. Then the attacker plays another development phase and after that his move ends.

Greedy Kingdoms is an interesting little game for the end of an games evening, with some clever details imposed on common basic mechanisms and absolutely playable for non-Japanese speakers. Rules and Card texts are in English also, and on the web one can find German rules and card translations.


Spieler         : 2

Alter            : ab 10 Jahren

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Hayato Kisaragi 

Grafik          : Keita Kamiyama 

Vertrieb A.   : Publisher

Preis            : ca. 12,00 Euro

Verlag          : One Draw 2009



Genre                    : Card game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : play cards as needed


Zufall                     : 3

Wissen                  :

Planung                 : 6

Kreativität              :

Kommunikation      : 7

Geschicklichkeit      :

Action                   :



Rules in English and Japanese

Card texts in English and Japanese

2 decks needed for 3 and 4 players

First expansion Treasure



All card games using cards for resources and improvements, TCGs,