Alicematic Heroes


Wonderland is endangered! Nothing has invaded Wonderland and destroys dreams; the Queen of Hearts calls Alice to defend Wonderland, but too many Alices have turned up and now fight for their share of Wonderland. In your turn, you play a card as Alice - you need sufficient dream power for it - or as a Commoner into one of the slots; an Alice cards uses its Megalomania power instantly. Then you can choose a territory on a map tile to invade; for this you need military power and, if you have no city on this tile, also food. After 14 rounds, you score for majorities of controlled territories and on Alices in slots as well as points from Alice Powers.


Area control game for 3-5 players, ages 12+


Publisher: Japanime Games / Manifest Destiny 2017

Designer: Kuro

Artist: Fuji, Aoharu, Bou-kun


Stock#: -


Users: With friends


Version: en * Rules: en jp * In-game text: yes