

Alter                    6

Spezial                 1 vi



or Sun-Son or Bed-BUd or ROSE-RUSE


The cards are placed as a face down stack, 8 are laid out face-up on the table. Each card shows a word that has a letter missing. The die shows the vowels a, e, 8, 0 and u as well as ie. The acting game master or players in turn roll the die. All players now simultaneously search the cards in the display for a card where the letter determined by the die can be used to make up a valid word. If you are the first to find such a card ad to pronounce the word correctly you receive the card, it scores you 1 point. The display is amended to 8 cards by another card drawn from the stack. If you have won most cards at the end of the game you win.

Hasen-Hosen is a quick game; it trains several topics at the same time – use of vowels, pronunciation, spelling and also the look or appearance of a word. Usually the title of the game makes children laugh, because the realize that many words in German language only differ by one letter and that correct spelling isn’t that hard – if you can write bag you can write bug or big or even bog and if you can write mine you know mane. If you want to you can take a second die and place the diphthongs and the mutated vowels on it, ei, au, eu, ö, ä und ü and you will be surprised how much longer the list of words gets, Or you could form sentences with the different words, like “My son enjoys the sun”.

Hasen-Hosen is one of those games that teach children the fun that can be gleaned from language and what you can do with language and how it is possible to play with words. The game can also be used for for training basic vocabulary when learning the German language.


Spieler         : 1-8

Alter            : ages 6 and up

Dauer           : ca. 15 min


Autor           : Susanne Galonska

Grafik          : Andrea Mangold, Michael Schlegel

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 10,00 Euro

Verlag          : IQ-Spiele 2010



Genre                    : Educational game on words

Zielgruppe             : For children

Mechanismen         : Roll vowels and complement words



Very simple rules

Teaches several topics at the same time

Emphasizes change of meaning by changing one letter



Other educational games on words and vowels


Zufall                            1




Wissen_               3



Interaktion                   2

Geschicklichkeit  1
