played for you



Crime in Dystopia


The Resistance causes chaos in the Dystopian Universe and as a Grifter you take advantage of it. As a powerful gangster boss you establish your criminal organization, recruit minions with special abilities and have them either in hand or in play. You begin with six specialists and use them to hire additional specialists, complete jobs, plunder government resources and to cheat your opponents.

In your turn, you resolve three phases: In Phase I you move all specialists in your Hideout Zone to the next position, that is, advance them by one Night; cards currently in position Night 3 are moved out of the Hideout into the Refresh Zone. Then, in Phase II, you must play specialists from your hand: For a caper, you play a card, resolve the text and then put the card into the now empty position Night 1 in the Hideout. For a job, you select one of the available jobs and play the necessary team of specialists; the abilities demanded by the job must correspond exactly to the abilities of the specialists you play; the team is then placed on Night 1 in the Hideout. Finally, in Phase III, you take all cards in the Refresh Zone back in hand. If the government funds are empty or there are no jobs to complete or no specialists left to hire, you win with most money including bonuses for two, three or four completed jobs of the same color.

The topic is standard, the card mechanism is challenging – you know the whereabouts of all your cards any time, know when they become available again and can plan for jobs accordingly. A fascinating “hand”-building game without chance, the job cards are sorted numerically and thus by levels of difficulty.


Players: 2-4

Age: 14+

Time: 30+

Designer: Jake Tlapek, David Fulton

Artist: Jarek Nocón, Stephanie Gustafsson

Price: ca. 25 Euro

Publisher: Indie Boards and Cards 2016


Genre: Card management

Users: With friends

Version: en

Rules: en

In-game text: yes



Dystopic topic

Without chance

All cards of a player in hand or on the table


Compares to:

Some mechanisms of deck-building games


Other editions:

„You Dirty Rat“, Jacksmack Games, 2015


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 1

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 2

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0