

Sticky Chameleons

Catching insects with a glibb tongue


You are a young, hungry chameleon and therefore try to catch insects and snatch up the choicest and plumpest ones. There is a selection of six types of insects available, in varying shapes - T for a Dragonfly, L for the Grasshopper, Rectangle for the Spider, Wave for the Caterpillar, Circle for the Bug and Star for the Mosquito, each insect comes in five colors. All insects and among them five wasps are spread out on the table.

The active player rolls a color die - it shows pink, purple, blue and yellow once each and twice green - and an insect die; the result determines the current plumpest insect. All players try quickly and simultaneously to catch this insect with their sticky glibber tongue. If you manage it, you remove it, using your regular hand, and put it back on the table. While it is still sticking to your sticky tongue, the other players can still catch it with their tongue and snatch if from yours. You may only touch the current plumpest insect with your hand to remove it from your tongue, you cannot touch any other insect or a wasp with your hand. Other insects caught at the same time are put back. For a successfully caught and returned insect, you receive a Yummy chip, if you are unstung. Should you, however, snatch a wasp, you are stung; if it is on your tongue when you put back the current plumpest insect, you do not get a Yummy chip. If you take your 5th Yummy token, you win!

A cute topic, nice and very pretty components and a lot of fun with the sticky glibber tongues, which do not always behave as you want them to! Good practice for hand-eye-coordination and reaction.


Players: 2-26



Designer: Théo Rivière, Cédric Barbé

Artist: Rémy Tornior

Price: ca. 16 Euro

Publisher: Iello 2018


Genre: Dexterity

Users: For children

Version: multi

Rules: de en + cn fr pt

In-game text: no




Cute idea

Nice components

Needs good hand-eye-coordination and fast reactions

(c) Image elclarkey (BGG)


Compares to:

Slap-to-take games in general, first on with glibber stuff


Other editions:

GoKids (cn), Iello (fr), Mebo (pt)


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 0

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 0

Dexterity (green): 3

Action (dark green): 3