

As a submarine captain, you explore the ocean in three rounds of five turns. Each player receives cards from the captain - as many as there are periscopes on the submarine + 1 – and chooses one, the rest is given to the captain. All players reveal their cards and place them, in one row per round. Then the captain chooses a card. Additional actions are: Fuel for an extra card, placing divers for treasurers at the end of the game; upgrade submarine with crystals on cards in the display. At the end of the round you score animals and propeller-level of the submarine and lose points if you have most Kraken eyes on your cards. At the end of the game you score corals on adjacent cards and treasures.


Placement and collecting game for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Iello 2016

Designer: Antoine Bauza

Artist: Jérémie Fleury

Web: www.iello.info

Stock#: 51334


Users: For children

Users: For families

Users: With friends

Users: For experts


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr it * In-game text: no