Get on Board: New York & London


Construct bus lines in London or New York; each player has an individual marking sheet, 32 track markers and personal task cards for the selected city; 2 general tasks are on the board. In each of 12 rounds a new bus ticket is revealed; you mark the appropriate box on your sheet and must now place the corresponding track pieces on the board; never twice in the same street, but markers of different players can be on the same street. If you arrive at a crossing for the second time, you are out of the game. Then you board the bas, if you have reached locations or passengers while placing track, and resolve the effects. Then you check the general tasks for completion for victory points and either change the starting player or resolve the final scoring.


Track building game for 2-5 players, ages 8+


Publisher: Iello / Hutter Trade 2022

Designer: Saash

Art: Monsieur Z, Vincent Mougenot


Stock #: 519403


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no