

Alter                    5




Who Will keep his queen?


Players are frogs and want to be King of the Pond, which is revealed tile by tile. To become King you must drive off the opposing frog Queens and be the only one who still has a Queen in the pond.

Depending on the degree of difficulty you want for the game the pond is laid out, either using all 64 tiles or leaving out the logs, the water lilies and the whirlpools and laying out 49 tiles. Each player has a queen, six servant frogs, which double as babies, and six male frog discs.

You always move one of your own frogs on one of the 8 adjacent tiles, queen or servant. If the tile is still face-down, you turn it over and implement its effect; otherwise you only use the effect. It is your turn until the frog ends its move on a tile with the effect “your turn ends”. If you step onto an occupied spot you drive the opposing frog off into his owners reserve. Depending on the tile reached you move on, move another frog, pass a turn, are eaten or have babies. The queen can only have one baby with each male frog, there are 6 different males. When the queen is eaten or driven off by another player, the game ends for this player, all his frogs are removed from the pond. If you queen is the last in play, you win. For an even more challenging game you can turn tiles over again after executing their effects.

Croa is a pretty game with a nice balance between tactics and chance. Children love the pretty frog figurines and the luck in the beginning of the game, later on it gets more tactical when more tiles and their effects are revealed and can be used deliberately by well-planned moves.


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ab 5 Jahren

Dauer           : ca. 20 min


Autor           : Igor Polouchine

Grafik          : Igor Polouchine

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 27 Euro

Verlag          : iello 2011



Genre                    : Placement game

Zielgruppe             : For families


Version                           : en

Rules                              : en fr

In-game use of language   : no



New edition, first edition 1999

Very pretty components

Several levels of difficulty



Other placement games with the aim of eliminating opposing head pieces and keeping your own in play


Zufall                            3

Taktik                  3






Interaktion                   3

