Baba Yaga


You must cast three spells to escape the Winter Witch. All play simultaneously - the active player searches for spell ingredients in the forest, the others move Baba Yaga. The active player turns up his first spell card and turns over one forest tile after the other to find three of the four necessary ingredients; the back sides give hints. Correctly found ingredients remain open, others must be turned over again. The other players in turn move Baba Yaga one tile along her flight path, until she returns to the start; this ends the turn. When all necessary ingredients are visible, the spell is cast and its effect is resolved. Various levels of difficulty and variants.

Tales & Games II


Roll, move & memo game for 2-5 players, ages 6+


Publisher: Iello 2013

Designer: Jérémie Caplanne

Art: Vincent Joubert


Stock #:  51113


Users: For children


Version: en * Rules: cz en fr it pl ro sk * In-game text: no