Dr. Shark


Dr. Shark is throwing a cocktail party on his private island in the South Seas, but he is a criminal suspect. So you as an agent need to dive into the pool to find clues. Each part of the pool must be searched with a special method. You dive with your hands in the bag, using an assistance board showing possible shapes. You can only take out pieces fitting the currently valid method. A shark stops you diving. When you can combine clues to evidence you take the chip. At the end you score points for clue chips and clues and win with most points.


Tactile dexterity game for 2-6 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Hurrican Games

Designer: Antoine Bauza, Bruno Cathala

Artist: Charlie Adam

Web: www.hurricangames.com

Stock #: 10101 6


Users: For families

Age: 10


Version: multi * Rules: de en es fr gr it jp nl * In-game text: no