

The king throws a party, but guests have waited to look to book rooms, and now there are not enough beds. You try to get your guests into the hotels and plan which guests will go into the waiting queue and which will go to the back door. You have a deck of guest cards to draw from, hotels = number of players are displayed. In each of the four rounds of the game, you 1) place guest cards, there is room for for cards in the queue and two at the back door. 2) check bookings – guests in the queue are checked for beds, guests at the back door activate special abilities. The first at the back door receives the victory point token. For bookings in the queue – hotels can have special booking rules – you first count guests from activations at the back door, then in turn available beds for cards in the queue in descending order of beds . If you could book, you take the card. Cards without beds are discarded. After four rounds, you score victory point tokens, coins on cards and bonuses for sets of crests.


Card placement game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Huch! 2022

License: studiogiochi

Designer: Filippo Landini

Art: Fiore GmbH, HUCH!

Web: www.hutter-trade-com

Stock #:  882 578


Users: With friends


Version: de en fr it * Rules: de en fr hu it ja ko * In-game text: no