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Sindbad’s children want to visit all islands featured in his tales and retrieve his treasures. Island tiles and dream tiles are stacked facce-down and you begin with a character board. In 16 rounds you either expand your island or receive a dream tile. The scout of the round displays as many tiles as there are players from one of the stacks and then selects a tile and adds it to his character board, islands to the right, character to the left, into the suitable row. Then he determines a player who selects a tile and determines the next player and so on until all players have placed a tile. When all have placed four dream tiles and 12 island tiles, you score your dream tiles and palm trees and roc egg/birds on your island. If you have most robbers on your island, you lose one point per robber. Special rules fort wo players.


Tile placement game for 2-5 players, ages  7+


Publisher: Huch! / Ludonaute 2022

Designer: : Antoine Bauza, Bruno Cathala

Art: Marie Cardouat


Stock #:  592421


Users: For families


Version: de * Rules: de en fr * In-game text: no