Gobblet Junior


On a board with 9 squares 6 brown and 6 orange gobblets are used in this game. The gobblets of each colour exist in three sizes, the can be put into each other like Russian dolls. Aim of the game is to place three goblets in a row, regardless of size, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. At the start of the game each player has 2 complete gobbletts, in his move he either places a gobblet on the board or moves a gobblett on the board. Gobblets in a stack must be played from top to bottom, one can only move the top gobblet, and can swallow both own and opposing goblets.


Position game * 2 players from age 5 * Designer: Thierry Denoual * Illustration: Volker Maas ca. 15 min * 87521 1, Huch & Friends, Germany, 2006 *** Huch & Friends * www.huchandfriends.de