


Spezial                 vi



Eloquent, punctual – I?


Players are tasked with describing a person with 6 characteristics so that the other players can guess the person. Each player in the game is allocated a number. In each game a minimum of 6 people is described, so if there are fewer players you need to add a person of your choice, write down the name and give it a number. Each player must be the „describer“ twice in the game, once with his left and once with his right neighbor. Depending on the number of players you play a different number of rounds, a round consists of three turns. Each of these turns is made up from a description and a guessing phase. For the round a number is drawn secretly by the describer, this person is characterized. In the description phase the describer and his neighbor draw a characteristic and place it at one of the 5 possible position from „not at all“ to „exactly correct“, the other partner can change the position. Then the others guess who was described and position their assessment wheel on position one of the board. After each of the following two description phases you can change your guess and relocate your wheel to position 2 or 3. Then the round is scored: If you guessed correctly you can move your marker 3-1 steps according to the position of your assessment wheel. The describing team scores when at least half of the players (rounded up) guessed the correct person. Used characteristics are taken out of the game at the end of the round.

Funny, interesting, sometimes revealing and a bit dangerous – offended reactions have happened, because the characterized person did not like the assessment at all!


Spieler         : 3-8

Alter            : ages 10 and up

Dauer           : ca. 45 min


Autor           : Claude Weber

Grafik          : Victor Boden

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 13 Euro

Verlag          : Huch & friends 2011



Genre                    : Communicative assessment game

Zielgruppe             : With friends


Language                        : de

Rules                              : de

In-game use of language   : no




Nice mechanism

Works nicely and quick

Works best with a group that knows each other

Not good for over-sensitive people



Personality, Psychometer and other person-related communication games


Zufall                            1




Wissen_               2


Kommunikation   3


