

Players are tasked with describing a person with 6 characteristics so that the other players can guess the person. Each player in the game is allocated a number. In each game a minimum of 6 people is described, so if there are fewer players you need to add a person of your choice, note it down and give it a number. In 3 rounds comprising a description phase and a guessing phase two players assign 2 characteristics of the person to a slot in the assessment scale, for each guessing phase one tip is placed. Then the round is scored and you move for correct tips in relation to the phase when you made the correct tip. You play the number of rounds necessary to make each player play twice, once with his left and once with his right neighbor.


Communicative assessment game * 3-8 players, ages 10+ * Designer: Claude Weber * Art: Victor Boden * 87722 2, Huch, Germany, 2011 *** Huch & friends *