Logicus City Skyline


The components are simple, a board, 50 pieces for floors and 10 parks. The tasks are not so simple: Depending on the task the skyscrapers are put together and then placed according to the puzzle. Some rows and columns are marked with numbers which demand the number of buildings that must be visible from this viewpoint in direct line of sight in direction of the arrow, higher buildings hide lower ones. In each row or column one house of one size can be placed, parks can be placed in any number. A number in a park states the number of buildings that must be visible from the park in all directions.


A logic puzzle * 1 player ages 6+ * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Gestaltung: service3 * 87703 1, Huch, 2010 *** Huch & friends * www.huchandfriends.de