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Megaliths in Brittany


You need to re-enact the constructions of megaliths and dolmens of Carnac in Brittany.

The game features 28 black blocks for megaliths, with a length of two squares on the board and a width of one square, carrying symbols in two colors. You choose a color, all megaliths can be used by both players. The double-sided board offers three different maps in three sizes. The starting player is determined. As player A he places one megalith upright anywhere on the board, any color on top. Player B then can either tilt this megalith – is now lying down, showing two symbols – and then place a new megalith upright, or pass his turn. When B tilts and places, A then decides in turn if he tilts and places or passes. When B passes, A is active and places a megalith. Should B not be able to tilt a megalith placed by A, it is his turn all the same and he can place a megalith. You can only tilt, when there is enough empty space available, the original location must be empty after tilting and the megalith cannot extrude the board after being tilted. Tilted megaliths can no longer be moved or be removed. A minimum of symbols of the same color on adjacent megaliths form a dolmen for the owner of the color. Megaliths are adjacent when they touch each other along at least one side, touching corners is not enough. When all megaliths are used or all squares are filled, you win with most dolmens.

This is a very beautiful game with high class components and also a very good game. When you have mastered the placement/tilting rules rivalry for dolmens begins, but remember, the number is important, not the size; size only decides ties.


Players: 2

Age: 8+

Time: 20+

Designer: Emiliano Venturini

Artist: Andreas Resch

Price: ca. 24 Euro

Publisher: HUCH! & friends 2014


Genre: Abstract placement

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Rules: de en fr nl

In-game text: no



Very attractive, solid components

Three different boards

Mechanisms need getting used to


Compares to:

Abstract placement games


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 0

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0