Alba Longa


Players are regents of city states at the time of the Latinum City Union, Alba Longa is loosing its influence and the cities of Reate, Roma, Veji and Vlitrae try to take over the lead. You embody one of those regents. If you are the first to erect 10 monuments in honor of the gods and own 16 workers at the end of a year, you win. One year comprises sowing and harvest; both comprise several phases: Start of the season, place workers, implement tasks, retract workers and determine new starting player, plus end of year after one sowing and harvesting.


Worker Placement Game for 2-5 players, ages 12+


Designer: Graeme Jahns

Publisher: Huch & friends / Quined

Editing: Arno & Frank Quispel


Stock #: 4 260071 87754 3


Users: For experts


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