Tod dem Tyrannen


One player embodies the evil king and his minions who want to fight their way through the Burgher Mob to the castle. His knights take suspicious burghers into custody and neutralize assassins. The other player impersonates the rebellious burghers including three assassins who want to eliminate the king. King and burghers have action points according to the current round card, need not spend all of them, but can only use them according to their designation, that is, for either knight, king, burgher or assassin - usually either movement or attacks on the opposing faction.

With Galakta, German edition of King & Assassins, 2013.


Position game for 2 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2014

Designer: Łukasz Woźniak

Artist: Tomasz Chistowski, Fiona Carey, Michał Teliga


Stock#: 032996 / HE590


Users: With friends

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de fr pl * In-game text: no