Star Wars Das Kartenspiel

Jedi or Rebels vs Sith or Empire


This is the Living Card Game for Star Wars - Rebels vs. Empire within the time frame of the original trilogy. The Core Game comprises four pre-constructed starter decks of 48 cards - eight Objective Sets, each comprising one Objective Card and Five Placer Cards - for the factions Jedi, Rebel Alliance, Sith and Imperial Fleet, plus Objective sets for the factions of Smugglers and Spies as well as Scum and Villainy.

The Objective cards provide missions, ideologies, strategies and event threads - as a player you try to implement those objections or to defend them and to destroy opposing objectives. Player cards provide units, events, enhancement and fate, and you choose your objectives for a game. You display cards, attack opposing objectives, defend your own and play cards for the conflict of the Force. A player turn comprises the phases of Balance, Refresh, Draw, Deployment, Conflict and Force. In the Balance phase the DS player as active player can raise the Death Star marker by 1 or 2 steps; when the LS player is active and the Balance is on the Light Side he can damage and maybe destroy an objective of the Dark Side. The Empire wins when the Death Star marker reaches 12. The Rebels win, when they manage to destroy three objectives of the Dark Side before the marker reaches 12.

A basically familiar game principle used for a cult topic, carefully, very well made and classy, and a challenge to play, especially due to the new deck constructing mechanism of Objective Sets and the also new elements of Force Balance with enormous influence on the game as well as attacking objectives instead of opponents or their units.


Players: 2

Age: 10+

Time: 60+

Designer: Eric M. Lang

Artist: Andrew Navaro, WiL Springer, Marina Fahrenbach

Price: ca. 30 Euro

Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2013


Genre: SciFi, Card use and acquisition

Users: With friends

Special: 2 players

Version: de

Rules: cn de en es nl pl

In-game text: yes



New mechanisms compared to other LCGs

Deluxe expansions and series of extension packs are available

Expansion "Balance of Force" allows multiplayer games


Compares to:

Other LCGs


Other editions:

Fantasy Flight Games, USA; Edge Entertainment, Spain; Galakta, Poland; White Goblin Games, Netherlands; Wargames Club Publishing, China


Chance (pink): 1

Tactic (turquoise): 3

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 2

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0