Gifttrap mini Edition Schwarz taboo


A mini edition of Gifttrap, either as an expansion for the game Gifttrap or as a stand-alone game Gifttrap light. Each player is dealt 7 cards, one player is the first presentee. All others give him a card which they believe he will like best. The gift is put into the envelope, chosen side up. If three or four are playing, each gives two gifts. The presentee sets out the gifts, he must take care not to turn over the envelope or the cards. Then he distributes the markers for very good(+3), rather good  (+2), just okay (+1) or not good at all (-1) on the gifts, the givers reveal themselves and note the points. When each has been presentee twice, you win with the most points.


Communication game * 3-8 players, ages 16 and up * Designer: Nick Kellet * 03154 8, Heidelberger, Germany, 2010 *** Heidelberger Spieleverlag *