Dungeon Petz Dunkle Gassen


The imps from Dungeon Lords have made a success with breeding Dungeon Petz and venture out into Dark Alleys, a new old part of town in which they can find four new opportunities to do business. Black Market, Clairvoyant's Trailer, Business Park and Snails Shop. Those things are supplemented by nine new cuddly monsters, artifacts, imps, caged, extensions etc. With all that new stuff you can play a standard game using Dark Alleys and all new components or an Extended Game that comprises seven rounds, but only for two or three players. In an Extended Game you can raise more petz and sell them to more customers, which means, due to the manifold new possibilities that each round takes more time.


Expansion for Dungeon Petz for 2-4 players, ages 13+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag / CGE 2013

Designer: Vlaada Chvátil

Art: David Cochard, Filip Murmak

Web: www.heidelbaer.de

Stock#: 03278 1


Users: For experts


Version: de * Rules: cz de en fr  * In-game text: