Der Herr der Ringe Über den Berg und Unter den Berg Saga


Der Kleine Hobbit Über den Berg und Unter den Berg Saga Erweiterung: In “Der Herr der Ringe”, a cooperative Living Card Game based on Collectible Card Games, players are a fellowship of heroes, mastering dangerous adventures in Middle Earth. In this Saga expansion three scenarios tell the first half of Bilbo Beutlin’s journey from The Shire to the Lonely Mountain, featuring a new version of the Bilbo card, Treasures as new player cards and the need to make do with limited resources. The Scenarios are called „Da ziehen wir hin, da lockt Gewinn“, „Über die Nebelberge Weit“ and „Zu Höhlen tief aus alter Zeit“.


Saga expansion for the LCG for 1-2 players, ages 13+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag

Designer: Nate French

Art: Chris Rahn and FFG-Team


Art.Nr. 01213 4


Users: With friends

Special: 1 or 2 player


Version: de * Rules: de en fr pl * In-game text: yes