




Crime & Mystery

Bakerstreet Files


Players are detective with headquarters in Baker Street. You collect clues in relation to suspects, report on those clues and analyse the case.

A case is chosen and the newspaper article is read out. Then you shuffle the suspect cards and give one face-up to each player, the others are set aside. Now all clue cards with color markings corresponding to the case cards are shuffled and each player is given 3-5 cards, depending on the number of players, the rest of the cards is set aside. You note down your suspect and the clue numbers on your record sheet.

In turn all players give a verbal report on the clues, as lucid and clear as possible, chronologically ordered following the categories “before”, “during”, and “after” the crime as well as “culprit profile”, each clue fits two suspects. When all reports have been given, 7 clues are chosen randomly, the rest is set aside. The crime information at the back of each card is read out, players now assign those to one suspect and note this on their sheet. Finally, each player notes a tip on the main suspect(s).

Then the information is read out again and the clue card number is given – if you have that number on your sheet you name your suspect – if someone noted this suspect on his sheet he scores. Thus the main suspect emerges as the one with the most clues assigned, who has named this suspect, scores again.

Crime & Mystery is a challenging game of memory and deduction, it depends on correct and creative reporting of the clues, so that all players can make good use of the information. Take care when noting down clues, small mistakes have fatal consequences.


Spieler         : 3-6

Alter            : ages 12 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Johannes Krenner

Grafik          : Johannes Krenner

Titel englisch          : ident

Preis            : ca. 9,00 Euro

Verlag          : Heidelberger Spielverlag 2010



Genre                    : Game of memory and deduction

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Use clues, guess suspects and culprit



Reports must be correct and creative

No mistakes should be made when noting clues

Concentration and paying attention to details is essential



Das perfekte Alibi and other deduction games with a crime topic







Gedächtnis          3

Kommunikation   3

Interaktion                   3

