BattleLore Zweite Edition


BattleLore combines elements from board game, role playing and taple top in a conflict between 2 factions, played out in scenarios.The new edition is set in the Runebound universe, Lords of Daqan versus Uthuk Y’llan on the battlefields of Terrinoth. A player turn comprises main phase and refresh; the main phase is split into command, activation, movement and attack; refresh comprises victory points, drawing of cards and power. Aim of the game is to conquer a given number of banners or coat-of-arms tiles. Banners are acquired from the standard bearer of a defeated enemy unit and coat-of-arms from conquering terrain tiles.


Fantasy-Tabletop for 2 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2014

Designer: Richard Borg, Robert A. Kouba

Artist: Wil Springer, Dallas Melhoff, Brian, Schomburg, Andrew Navaro,  FFG-Team, Fiona Carey, Marina Fahrenbach


Stock#: HEI0800


Users: For experts


Special: 2 players

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: cn de en ru  * In-game text: yes