Android Netrunner SanSan-Zyklus Old Hollywood


Runner versus Corporation, both with their own deck of cards and goals. The Corporation can spend three Clicks for actions; to install server protection or to trace the runner. The Runner can spend four Clicks; for instance for a Run – a hacker attack on Corporation with different targets.

SanSan is the mega city at the Californian coast, home of top technologies. Old Hollywood is the fifth data pack for the 4th expansion cycle SanSan for Android: Netrunner, cards 81-100. Topic – Visual entertainment is still big business and fame good currency; mecacorps invest in blockbusters, Corps and Runners jostle for a cut of the market.


Data pack for Android Netrunner for 2 players, ages 14+


Publisher: Heidelberger Spieleverlag 2015

Designer: Richard Garfield, Lukas Litzsinger

Art: Team


Stock # 02191 4 / HE761


Users: For experts

Special: 2 players


Version: de * Rules: de en es fr * In-game text: yes