

Find words for letters and categories; this time, tags for categories and letters are placed in a row and a column to form a 5x5 grid which is filled with marbles. In your turn, you try to name as many words as you can that fit a crossing point of letter and category and take the respective marble or the topic tag when you emptied the category column. The other players watch the timer and protest in case of invalid words. A round ends, whenn either all marbles have been taken or nobody finds a valid word anymore. All now score for their marbles and tags - 1, 2 or 3 points for a white, blue or black marble and 1 point per colored star on the tags. Includes a team version. Revised edition of Category, EG-Spiele 1994


Word finding game for 2-4 or 4-12 players, ages 10+


Publisher: HeidelBÄR Games 2018

Designer: Spartaco Albertarelli

Art: Annika Brüning, Marina Fahrenbach

Web: www.heidelbaer.de

Stock #: HDBD1000


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en pl * In-game text: yes