Truth Bombs


Give answers and guess the giver of answers - standard mechanism, but nicely varied. Questions are placed on colored mats and each player marks an answer sheet with his name and hands it to the left. Then each player selects one question from the table for a lot not yet filled on the sheet and enters the answer to that question - that he thinks suits the owner of the sheet-  into the corresponding slot: E.g. the answer to “what would be the name for xxx’s restaurant” into the blue slot on xxx’s sheet    , if the question is on the blue mat. Then you hand the sheet to the left player. When all sheets have been filled, you announce - in turn - the name of the owner of your current sheet and all answers. The owner then selects the answer he likes best and guesses its author. The author makes himself known and scores a point; if the owner guessed the author correctly, he scores, too. When all sheets have been scored, you win with most points.


Party game for 4-8 players, ages 14+


Publisher: HCM Kinzel 2020

Designer: Phil Lester


Stock #: 51138


Users: With friends

Special: Many players


Version: de * Rules: de en * In-game text: yes