By the Book


Books and a cat must be placed in a way that ensures that the top shelf of the book case lies perfectly balanced on top of the books, 12 books are labeled A to L; each of the 40 task cards shows a number of books that must be arranged together with the cat, according to placement rules; then you put the shelf on top and check the balance with the water level that is included. At least two books must touch the top shelf; and some tasks show icons with letters or numbers to indicate which or how many books must be placed horizontally or vertically. Solutions are included.


Balance and dexterity game for 1 or more players, ages 8+


Publisher: HCM Kinzel 2024

License: Advance Games by Foxfmind Group, © 2023

Designer: Gilit Metuki, Ronnie Manor

Art: Orit Zohar


Stock #: 55205


Users: For families


Version: de en fr it * Rules: de en fr it * In-game text: no