

Carcassonne Manege frei!

Tents, animals and Performers


Expansion #10 for Carcassonne includes 20 landscape tiles - twelve tent tiles with one tent slot and eight performer tiles with two slots - as well as 16 animal tiles - 1x Elephant, worth 7, 2xTiger, worth 6, 3x Bear worth 5, 5x Seal worth 4, 4x Monkey worth 3 and 1x Flea worth 1 - plus one tent token and six ringmaster pawns.

Tent tiles are places as usual; you can place one of your meeples on it on meadow, road or town, but not on the tent slot; on the first tent tile in the display, you place a face-down animal tile and the tent token; when another tent tile triggers a scoring, you also score the tile carrying the tent: Every meeple, regardless of its kind, on the tent tile and its eight neighbor tiles scores the value of the revealed animal tiles.  Then the tent is moved to the new tent tile and a new animal tile is added.

On a performer tile, you can place a meeple on meadow or road or as a performer into one of the slots. Whoever places a tile next to this performer tile, also diagonally, can add a meeple as performer to the second slot or, as third performer, on top of the other two. You can score such a pyramid if you do not place one of your meeples when you add tile to the display; each artist in the pyramid is worth five points.

The Ringmaster meeple is used like a standard meeple; when an area is scored, a ringmaster in the area scores two points for each tent tile or performer tile in the scored area.

“Manege frei” provides a topic that nicely expands the overall game concept, and offers interesting scoring options; it is prettily designed and a must-have for all fans of Carcassonne!


Players: 2-6

Age: 7+

Time: 45+

Designer: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede

Artist: Anne Pätzke, Chris Quilliams

Price: ca. 15 Euro

Publisher: Hans im Glück 2017


Genre: Tile and pawn placement and scoring

Users: For families

Version: de

Rules: cz de en fi hu nl

In-game text: no



Needs core game to play

Can be used completely or in parts

Can be combined with all other expansions


Compares to:

Carcassonne and all its expansions


Other editions:

999 Games (nl), Lautapelit (fi), Mindok (cz), Piatnik (hu), Z-Man Games (en)


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 2

Strategy (blue): 1

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 3

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0