

Merchants in Bruges strive for influence with those in power, rival among each other and guard against outside events. One round comprises: Phase One – draw cards; Phase Two – roll dice and distribute threat markers, Phase Three – play cards for actions; Phase 4 – check majorities and change of starting player. In Phase Three you place four cards one by one and use it for one of six actions – take 2 minions, take 1-6 guilders, discard one threat marker, build 1 canal tile, build 1 house or display 1 person. You score for persons, houses, advantages, majority markers, canal tiles and advancement when one draw pile is empty.


Development game for 2-4 players, ages 10+


Publisher: Hans im Glück 2013

Designer: Stefan Feld

Art: Michael Menzel


Stock#: 48233


Users: With friends


Version: de * Rules: de * In-game text: yes