


Zoraja on a number hunt


Pirate Zoraja must prove to the pirate boss, by knowledge of numbers and finding of the number treasure, that she is able to captain a ship. Players assist her with five different tasks; they use sets of ten cards, numbered 1 to 10.

Number duel - For a round, both players simultaneously turn up the top card of their face-down stack; the higher card wins the round and takes both cards; two identical cards go out of play; you win with most cards.

Die counting - Both card sets are laid out in ascending rows. You roll and either turn over the card showing the die result or put Zoraja on the card and roll again to move her on and to be able to turn over one of the cards 7 to 10. If Zoraja passes 10, the turn ends. Whoever turns over all their cards first, wins.

Pirate destinations - Zoraja starts on slot one of the number track. One card from the shuffled, face-down deck is turned up, Zoraja moves towards 10 accordingly; the active player says “again” or “stop”. In case of stop, the number is marked. If Zoraja passes 10, the round is lost. Whoever gets nearer to 10, receives a card from the second stack for a point. You win with most won cards.

Quick at calculating - Both players have their card set in hand; a task is revealed - the active player calculates and displays the card with the result from his hand; for assistance, Zoraja can be moved accordingly on the number track. Includes a variant for winning the round by fastest finding of the solution.

Compact package, compact rules and few components - an attractive game, albeit with a very cliché topic - a female pirate must prove her worth to a male boss!


Players: 2

Age: 5+

Time: 10+

Designer: Imke Storch, Markus Nikisch

Art: Tobias Dahmen

Price: ca. 9 Euro

Publisher: Haba 2017


Genre: Sorting numbers

Users: For children

Special: 2 players

Version: multi

Rules: de en es fr it nl

In-game text: no



Adult supervision necessary

Compact game

Good mechanisms

Cliché topic


Compares to:

Educational games on numbers


Other editions:

Currently none


Chance (pink): 2

Tactic (turquoise): 1

Strategy (blue): 0

Creativity (dark blue): 0

Knowledge (yellow): 0

Memory (orange): 0

Communication (red): 0

Interaction (brown): 1

Dexterity (green): 0

Action (dark green): 0